A few years ago I was a country music artist on a secular record label. I had been sensing that the Lord was saying to me, “I want you to be where hurting people are, to be where people need to hear of My love.” And I wanted to conduct business from a Christian perspective.
It was at this point we decided to start our own family record company. We dedicated everything we did to the Lord—we wanted to give Him all the honor and glory.
I cut my band from 15 musicians to 8. I got rid of a tractor-trailer and a bus. We didn’t need a huge stage full of amps and drums and pianos and electric equipment to put on a show.
In our family-run business we can go off the beaten path. We can go to the high schools. We can go to hospitals or to churches. We go anywhere that God wants to send us. Sometimes He uses us to sow seeds at a country fair or even at a casino. Some Christians may be embarrassed to be seen in a casino, but many people there need to hear the Word of God.
Our bluegrass sound draws unbelievers, but when they get to our show, they hear the Gospel—whether it’s the words in the song of the words I say between songs, somehow they will be confronted with the Gospel.
In the beginning, the enemy was in my ear: “What kind of Christian are you to let people go? What happens if this doesn’t work out? You won’t be able to make a real living doing this.”
But God kept saying, “Trust Me.”
I found that feelings don’t have anything to do with faith. Jesus probably didn’t feel like going to the cross, but He knew that it was the right thing to do. For Him, obedience outweighed sacrifice. His obedience is an example for me to live by.
Ricky Skaggs